Spring Orientation

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The LARES program welcomes you to UIC and encourages you to connect with your LARES advisor early on. To identify your LARES advisor, visit the LARES Advising webpage; students are assigned to LARES advisors based on their major and pre-educational goals.
As a newly admitted incoming student, be sure to complete any placement exams and online orientation and register for a New Student Advising and Registration session and an in-person orientation session. This information is in your UIC student portal at my.uic.edu.
Head over to orientation.uic.edu for all the details.
To make the most out of your UIC orientation program and college experience, join the LARES program!
Below are the next steps to sign up for LARES and attend our Spring into Orientation programming.
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Sign Up for LARES!
When: Register today!
How: Visit Get Connected! on the LARES website for registration information.
Attend A Virtual LARES Spring into Orientation Session!
What: This session is designed to help get you ready for your UIC Orientation. LARES advisors will help jumpstart your success at UIC by helping you transition, learn about LARES services, and guide you through the next steps of your academic journey. This session does not replace orientation; students must register for orientation.
When: December 2, 3, or 5, 2024
Where: Students can find more information and register for a session at: go.uic.edu/LARES_SpringOrientation
Meet LARES at the Marketplace Resource Fair During Orientation!
When: Marketplace will be held during your registered orientation program.
Where: Student Center East (SCE) Illinois Room
Meet with Your LARES Academic Advisor!
When: You can meet with a LARES Academic Advisor at any time during this process with any questions you may have.
Where: LARES Academic Advisors are assigned major. To view your assigned advisor and schedule an appointment, visit the LARES Academic Advising webpage.